The Curious Travels of George

The Curious Travels of George

This article is part of the PPSA Online Magazine
by George Bennis
Volume 8 Number 1 - Spring 1995

Here is a postcard tour of George's Summer '95 road trip.

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Greetings from The Park!
This road trip is going well... left the Ozarks Friday afternoon. Saturday I had breakfast in the Badlands and lunch at Devil's Tower. I spent Sunday touring Yellowstone in the rain. Wolves have been reintroduced to the park and have been spotted in Lamar Valley. We didn't have any luck finding any though. Got to that area too late in the day. I will have to try again later. The spotter along the roadside said dawn is the best time of day for findin them thar wolves. In the meantime it's off to Virgina City, Montana for fireworks and Hell's Canyon in Idaho later in the week.
The Wandering George
Having lots of fun camping in the rain. The tent nearly blew away last night, and with me in it! Luckily the tree that blew over fell onto the trail and not into our tent clearing. The other day we descended down to the Snake River along a dirt track carved into the canyon wall. The brakes overheated and we lost them a few hundred yards from the bottom. Parking brake still worked though! Phew! So we sat there until a pickup truck with a tow line rescued us.

Last Updated 07/21/95.© 1996 PPSA