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It looks as though we may have a new player in the game. A letter was received from Robert Levi who is the Vice Prez over at Turner Entertainment (Ted that is) and this is what he had to say.

June 13, 1995

Dear Ms. Neilan:

Mr. Turner has asked me to reply to your suggestion of airing "Earth2" on one of our networks.

Both TBS and TNT have been looking at the series, but have not made a decision at this time.

We sincerely appreciate your thinking of Turner Broadcasting and thank you for your suggestion.

Sincerely yours,
Robert H. Levi

cc: Ted Turner

So, in order to keep them thinking along the proper lines, it might be good to send a few letters/faxes in that direction :) Here is the appropriate address:

Robert Levi
Executive Vice President
Program Administration & Acquisitions
Turner Entertainment Networks
1050 Techwood Drive
Atlanta, GA 30318

his phone 404.885.4651
his fax 404.885.4947