SeaViews: Insights from the
Gray Havens
Motto: The surest way to get a
reputation for being a trouble maker these days is
to go about repeating the very phrases that the
Founders used in the struggle for independence.
-- C.A.
Disclaimer: The editor speaks only for himself,
and sometimes even he is wrong.
email Serge
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On the Death of Freedom July 2, 2015 ;
If you haven’t, I invite you to read the issue from
2006. Frankly, it was prophetic, and the revelations
by Ed Snowden in 2012 have only solidified what many
of us knew 7-8 years ago. The activation of Obamacare is even getting
onerous enough for low information voters to notice
their govt. has lied to them. And the stubborn
refusal of the earth to warm has resulted in Al Gore
even changing his language from “Global Warming” to
“Global Climate Change” so frankly, no matter what
happens, he can claim man is the cause.
In the past week, the Supreme Court has laid 2
decisions that demonstrate conclusively that the 9
Robed justices have ceased utterly to be jurists, and
are purely political beasts - who should be impeached.
But a cowed GOP will not even try despite controlling
both houses of Congress.
should be called SCOTUScare Supreme
Court makes Gay Marriage a Federal right
In the case of Obamacare, the issue is that about 15
states refused to setup state Heath Exchanges. The law
only allowed subsidizing patients on those state
plans. Thus, many patients turned to,
including Federal employees, and though the law
forbade it, they enjoyed subsidies (in the case of
Congressional aids as high as 70%). However, writing
for the majority Justice Roberts said, "Clearly
Congress did not mean this, so we will just assume
they meant to do the right thing." But, Congress did.
It was a key point in getting passed in Congress,
according to the architecht of Obamacare MIT economist
Jonathon Gruber who admitted that if the public knew
what was really going to happen, they would not
support Obamacare.
In the case of making Gay Marriage a National right,
the argument of the majority boiled down to the equal
protection clause of the Constutition, and that a
license (in this case marriage) issued by one state
shuold be honored by other states. I fully realize
that liberal and GLBT activists think that this is a
great day. But, this decision has opened a gate to an
America that has more in common with the USSR then the
USA (what it used to be). You libs, if you think this
is a great day, how will you feel when the NRA demands
that a Right to Carry permit issued by state X be
honored by every other state in the US? And don't be
surprised when lawyers and doctors demand their
license be recognized everywhere.
Consider this, to get married, you go to a state
office to apply for a marriage license. The state sets
the rules for what constitutes the requrements for a
couple to get married (minimum age, get a blood test,
etc). But no more. If I were a governor, I would
reason that if my state is no longer allowed to define
what marriage -is-, we are no longer competant to
issue the license -for- marriage. And I would cease to
issue marriage licenses and direct the happy couple
(or more since polygamy will now flourish) to Wash.
D.C. for their license.
is the next Gay marriage
On preservation of life;
My old PhD advisor contacted me the other day with
this statistic and question, "In America there are
12,200 gun deaths per yer. Serge, if you valued life
you should call on Trump to do something about guns in
So I asked him, "Aaron is it your position that a good
president should save American lives?" "Of
course" he said. "I'm glad you think so" and then I
went off for a few minutes to consider the point. The
above link claims to be based on CDC figures, so I
went there for my counter arguments.
According to the above, in 2013 664,000 abortions took
place in America. Assuming abortion docs take weekends
off, that equates to about 2500 abortions per business
day. This may under count since it mainly is a survey
of Planned Parenthood facilities. Another count
is here
But let's use the CDC figure. In about 6 days, legal
US abortion kills as many people as gun homicides in a
year. So I countered to Aaron, "Sir I'll give
you an option:
a) give up on abortion and I will consider giving up
guns or
b) I'll agree to a tax hike on ammo if you'll support
halting Planned Parenthood for one week each year,
call it Gun violence re-stocking week"
oddly, he has not written back
this month
of the month:
" may not be fixed by
the end of Nov?"
-- BHO, Nov 20 Press Converence
Fix of
the month:
1. Seatac
Dec 14:
New York
1. NY City, Oct:
- Oct, Dublin:
1. Dec 2, Wall Street