SeaViews: Insights from the Gray
June 2000
(formerly the _Rochester Rag_, formerly the _News
from Detroit_)
Motto: The surest way to get a reputation for
being a trouble maker these days is to go about repeating
the very phrases that the Founders used in the struggle for
-- C.A. Beard
email Steve
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On last month's Fix;
the answer to last month's Fix,
"Should China get permanent MFN status?"
There is this thing called "constructive engagement" that
was coined by Nixon's Secy of State, Henry Kissinger.
Basically, its doctrine was you can do more to alter
conditions within a hostile nation by flooding their
markets with the products of evil capiltalism, than by
leaving the citizens of that nation ognorant of a better way
of life. Call it, "sowing the seeds of discontent." Ok, so
the excuse is we should do this for Russia and China, but
why not Cuba, N. Korea, and Mid-East dictatorships?
Simply put, threat and cash potential.
If Cuba had the force to be a threat, and/or the $$ to
donate to a US political party or a market big enough to
absorb US products from grateful constituents, they too
would be on the MFN trading list. To the extent that the US
is rightly seen as being self-serving on the human rights
issue, it loses any moral authority to condemn other
On my email address;
Since approximately 1992, all of you have been able to reach
me at the Oakland University email address. After
graduation, one of the carrots that was used to get me to
join the alumni association was the prospect of a lifelong
email address. I thought this would be useful, as it
would provide an anchor for my friends to reach me
regardless of where I physically was.
Well, times change. In the first week of May, the
director of the alumni association emailed all alumni
that after June 30, all accounts would be forfeit. A
group of us took it upon ourselves to discover the
reasons behind this decision. The reasons responded
with were, "the alumni put too great a burden on the dial in
modem pool, and email service may violate IRS regulations on
the conduct of the tax-free organization unfairly competing
was feature urging ISPs."
Well, yours truly used the waning days to monitor all
account usage and a survey of usage statistics. It
turns out that there are somewhere in the neighborhood of
21,500 accounts on the campus cluster. Over a two-week
period, there were 12,000 login sessions, composed of only
1100 unique users. Of those 1100 users, 52 were alumni
- 5 used dial in service.
Another fellow investigated the tax issue. It turns
out that the University runs two golf courses with club
houses. This in itself violated the IRS stipulation
that tax free status organizations cannot have social clubs
that provide a service for less than fair market
value. And members of the alumni association can golf
the ranges at about one-third less than they would pay
for being nonmembers, and at about half the price they would
pay at competing private golf courses.
Seven of us put together a position paper, and sent it
around to the 500 alumni accounts to collect signatures for
letter to the editor of the Oakland University student
paper. On June 8, with about 30 signatures attached, the
letter went out. In response, the vice president of
the University (a Mr. Disend) promised two of us via a phone
call that as a concession, users would be able to set
up mail forwarding from their Oakland accounts to
their private ISP.
By June 28, all the affected alumni did this, but on
Friday June 30th the director of computer services said,
"... that mail forwarding was only a suggestion, never
promised. When we delete the accounts, all of your
mail forwarding will quit as well."
So, what's the bottom line?
As of today, July 5, I was still able to log into my
Oakland account. It is also forwarding to my backup
accounts. However, I consider it likely that at any
moment, the Oakland account will be deleted. But until I
inform you otherwise, please continue to send your notes to
me via the Oakland address.
Guest Editorial:
It all Depends on How You Define Courage
June 30
Oliver North
Washington, D.C. --- On the 4th of July, only a handful
of Americans will pause to commemorate the anniversary
of our nation's independence. I used to think it was a
shame, how little attention was paid to our
national birthday. But on reflection, I've decided
it's good that we not dwell on the people
and events that gave rise to this little holiday.
First, it's not politically correct. The "founders" as
they are sometimes called, were all men - white men -
and crediting white men with anything today just
doesn't wash. Second, a careful examination of that handful
of patriots who gathered 224 years ago this week to
sign that Declaration of Independence invites too many
discomfiting comparisons with today's political
Few Americans know that the Declaration was actually
drafted by a committee of five: Benjamin Franklin, John
Adams, Philip Livingston, Roger Sherman, and of
course, Thomas Jefferson. Fewer still know that most
of the work on the document was done between June 10th
and July 2nd (when the Continental Congress actually
resolved to declare independence from Great Britain)
in a boarding house at the intersection of Market and 7th
Streets in Philadelphia. The draft document was so good
that when debate ended late on July 4th, the larger
body made but 86 changes, eliminating 480 words, and
leaving 1,337 of the most dramatic words in any political
The Declaration is far more than an assertion of
freedom or a bill of particulars levied at a tyrant. No
other founding document for any nation reflects on
"the laws of nature and of nature's God." No other
proclamation declares that all people are "endowed by
their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among
these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness."
No other national manuscript appeals to "the
Supreme Judge of the World for the Rectitude of our
Intentions." And no other mechanism of national design or
intent places the fate of its founders in the hand of God
with words like this: "And for the support of this
Declaration, with a firm Reliance on the Protection of
divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other
our Lives, our Fortunes, and our Sacred
Honor." Good thing they weren't writing this stuff in a
public school!
In an era when Fidel Castro and Che Guevara are revered
revolutionaries, the 56 who signed the Declaration just
don't cut the mustard. They were all men of means,
well educated and wealthy by the standards of the day.
Twenty four were lawyers and jurists; 11 were
successful merchants and traders; 9, like Jefferson,
were prosperous farmers. Nine of them would die before the
war was over; 5 were captured and tortured by the British
and 12 had their homes looted and destroyed.
Neither John Morton of Pennsylvania nor Button
Gwinnett, the signer from Georgia, would live to see
the first anniversary of their signatures. Philip
Livingston, the merchant from Albany, New York who
served on Jefferson's drafting committee, was dead before
the second anniversary. Thomas Lynch, a farmer from
South Carolina died of wounds received in a 1797
naval engagement.
Carter Braxton, a wealthy trader from Virginia saw his
armada of trading vessels swept from the seas in battle. To
pay his debts, he sold all that he owned and died in rags in
Thomas McKean, a lawyer from Delaware, served without pay
as a member of the Continental Congress. The British
forced him to flee with his impoverished family five times
during the war. When he died in 1817, his sons
had to take up a collection from their neighbors to pay for
his funeral.
Thomas Nelson of Yorktown, Virginia borrowed 2
million dollars to provision the French Fleet that would
eventually come to our aid. After the war he
liquidated his entire estate to pay back the
money he borrowed because the Congress refused to
reimburse him. He died penniless in 1789.
John Hart, a New Jersey farmer was driven from his wife's
sickbed by a British patrol and lived on the run for more
than a year. Upon learning that his beloved wife was
failing, he took the terrible chance of returning home to
find her dead and his children gone. When he died a few
weeks later, on May 11, 1779 his friends said it
was of a broken heart.
John Hancock, the merchant from Quincy,
Massachusetts, claimed that his bold signature
would allow King George to read it without spectacles. When
the British burned the port that made him rich,
Hancock was reported to have said: "Burn, Boston,
though it makes John Hancock a beggar, burn!"
All 56 signers were hunted, hounded and declared
criminals. All were indicted, tried in absentia for
treason, and all were convicted and condemned. Yet,
despite all they endured, not one man broke his
pledge. They were the definition of the word, "courage" and
a far cry from today's political leaders who ask us to
define "is," and "sexual relations," and "fundraising."
1. Dave Gay writes;
Date: Wed, 14 Jun 2000 11:52:11 -0500
From: David H. Gay <>
Subject: Re: lastcall
> "Should China get permanent MFN status?"
Yes and no. Yes, constructive engagement is a valuable
diplomatic tool.
No, Clinton has had no vision or skill for diplomacy and so
any attempt
to use constructive engagement is doomed to fail. Clinton
surrendered a
strong negotiating position with Russia to promote chicken
exports for
his friend and patron Tyson. Clinton has also reaped a
windfall from his personal relationship with the Chinese
PS. With my spell checker I'm always forced to select
between "ignore"
and "replace" for the word Clinton.
Quote(s) of the month:
"The right of the people to keep and bear...
arms shall not be infringed. A well regulated militia,
composed of the body of the people, trained to arms, is the
best and most natural defense of a free country..."
--James Madison, I Annals of Congress 434, 8 June
Fix of the month:
What's to be done about the gas prices??
1. June 28, Seattle: [A pathology resident, about to
be ejected from his residency, went to the University
Medical Center, shot and killed his advisor, then himself.
They had criticized his work, urged him to see a
psychiatrist and fired him. Still, Dr.
Jian Chen told his bosses he was "in total
control." And, ultimately, he was the one who decided
his life would end on the floor of an office at the
University of Washington Medical Center, near the body
of a man he idolized.
In a year, Chen went from a determined pathology resident
to an outcast who called his bosses liars, denied he was
failing and shopped for a gun as his last day of work
approached. University administrators
tried to defuse Chen's anger by buying him time. Rather than
force him to leave, they gave him at least three
reprieves as they tried to nudge him into other jobs.
Chen, 42, shot himself to death last Wednesday, moments
after killing his mentor, Dr. Rodger Haggitt, 57, an eminent
pathologist. The next day, medical-center officials
said at a news conference that they had done everything
possible to manage Chen's increasing anger and
anxiety. They said they had no reason to think Chen posed a
danger and had declined to force him into a
psychiatric evaluation.
Subsequent interviews with Chen's colleagues and
supervisors show that administrators struggled to control an
increasingly volatile situation mired in ethics,
legalities and good intentions. The university is
reviewing the events that led up to the shootings and
may launch its own in-depth investigation, said Dr.
John Coombs, associate dean of the School of
The state Department of Labor and Industries is
investigating the shootings to determine whether the
university has systems in place to protect employees from
workplace violence. UW police are called about once a
month to meetings where employees are being disciplined by
supervisors who fear them.
1. June 15, Chicago: Oprah Winfrey doesn't mince any
words when it comes to telling us what she thinks
about the federal estate tax: "I think it's irritating
that once I die, 55 percent of my money goes to the
U.S. government," she said. "You know why that's irritating?
Because you would have already paid nearly 50
Ed: Careful now Oprah, soon you'll not get invited to any
more Dem.. fund raisers.
Washington D.C.
1. Supreme Court, 26 June: The Supreme Court set aside a
ruling Monday that let public school students in an Alabama
county lead group prayers at graduations, assemblies and
sports events.
The justices told a federal appeals court to restudy the
case in light of a major school-prayer decision they
announced last week in a Texas case. In that ruling, the
court said prayer in public schools must be private and that
such prayers at high school football games violate the
constitutionally required separation of church and state.
The Supreme Court's landmark 1962 decision outlawed
organized, officially sponsored prayers in public
schools. In 1992, the justices barred clergy-led prayers at
public school graduation ceremonies.
The following year, Alabama legislators enacted a law
requiring public schools to allow student-initiated prayer
at ``compulsory or non-compulsory'' school activities
including sporting events, student assemblies and
In 1996, Michael Chandler and his son, Jesse, challenged
the law and its enforcement in DeKalb County public schools.
They said Jesse's school let students lead Christian prayers
in classrooms and over the intercom, and allowed students or
clergy to lead prayers at graduations, football games and
student assemblies. Gideon Bibles were handed out in
classrooms by non-school personnel, they said.
A federal judge declared the law unconstitutional and
barred all non-private prayer, including student-initiated
prayer at graduations, assemblies and football games.
2. 28 June: Elain Gonzalez and his father boarded a
chartered, U.S. registered, Lear jet for the short flight
back to Havana. While many in the United States
consider this a victory for parents rights (including the
Clintons), some of us wonder why the father will be
returning to his coastal fishing village while his son stays
in Havana as a guest of Fidel Castro. {The lad and his
father actually sent a Father's Day card to El Jefe from the
estate of whichever Clinton pal was last to play host
to them. }
3. June 30; Computer retailers that offered personal
computers for free or at low cost have been guilty of
deceptive advertising and must let consumers know the
real upfront costs, the federal government says. The
total cost of a computer could be nearly four times greater
than the advertised price after hidden costs were added, the
Federal Trade Commission said in a complaint.
Value America Inc. (VUSA.O) and Inc. (BUYX.O),
two Internet-based retailers, and office-supply chain Office
Depot Inc. (ODP.N) reached an agreement with the FTC to post
real, out-of-pocket costs of computers that are sold
along with three years of Internet service.
No penalties were assessed on the retailers in consent
agreements with the FTC, and the companies did not
admit to any wrongdoing, the FTC said
Thursday.Although no other retailers were named in the
complaint, the practice is common throughout the
industry, said Michael Dershowitz, an FTC lawyer
involved in the case. ''We hope we get the deterrence
we're looking for,'' he said.
4. July 4: In a 5-to-4 decision, the Supreme Court of the
United States ruled that Nebraska's ban of a procedure
known as "partial-birth abortion" was unconstitutional
in that it put an "undue burden" on a woman's right to
In a blistering dissent, Justice A. Scalia wrote that
"the method of killing a human child ... proscribed
by this statute is so horrible that the most clinical
description of it evokes a shudder of revulsion." He
challenged the constitutional basis of the majority
decision: "The notion that the Constitution of the
United States ... prohibits the states from simply banning
this visibly brutal means of eliminating our half-born
posterity is quite simply absurd."
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© Steve Langer, 1995-2000