A Winter’s Night in Houghton
Posted by Johnny | Posted in Houghton, Photoblog | Posted on 12-12-2008
Tags: Bridge, Houghton, Michigan, River, Webcam

A cold winter’s night, with a view of the Portage Canal in Houghton. [Keewenaw Webcams]
A cold winter’s night, with a view of the Portage Canal in Houghton. [Keewenaw Webcams]
I put up some MTU pictures on my Flickr, http://www.flickr.com/photos/nullsession. Take a look, and make sure I add you as a friend (register for a free account if you don’t already have one).
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Contact me if you have any questions!
The God Emperor
‘thegodemperor’ @ ‘ppsa.com’ | http://twitter.com/thegodemperor